Nat, a young sailor on his first liberty as a member of the United States Navy, wasn’t too far away from experiencing the act of sexual congress for the first time. He was unaware of this fact. He was also unaware of the fact he would be paid for his efforts.
Nat and his friends had graduated boot camp the day before. Someone fucked something up and they weren’t going to ship out to their various trade schools till the morning and while Nat and his shipmates had every intention of reflecting great credit on themselves and the Naval Service during their liberty, they also had every intention of getting laid. Dinner, at a pretty nice restaurant, was a prelude to that.
Nat had joined the Navy right out of high school. He was not the college type and he sure as hell wasn’t about to spend the rest of his life as another face in the small town he’d grown up in. Fuck that noise. He had left for the Navy just as soon as the recruiter could process him in. His parents had come out for his graduation, but they had left and he had the night free.
Beth, 53, black hair, still trim and firm and beautiful, spotted Nat as soon as he and his shipmates had walked in the door. He was the tall one, with a body that Beth figured had been chiseled from granite instead of maturing through the normal growth process. Beth had sufficient experience to peg Nat’s height at six feet, two inches and his weight at 190. When Nat took his hat – called a cover in the Navy – off, she saw a nice shock of brown hair. She could not stop staring at him from her seat in a booth with some co-workers and she figured his cock had to be at least three feet long.
Beth wanted the tall young man immediately. This wasn’t a bulletin because Beth often wanted tall, young men immediately.
Beth was bored stiff on her business trip, tolerating dinner with some co-workers. It was the last night of the trip and Beth had not been laid in what seemed like forever and was refreshingly open to a romp in the hay with a younger man.
Beth was not particularly worried that she was 53-years-old, a full 35 years older than the boy she had every intention of taking to bed. Experience had taught her that she radiated sexuality like a waterfall disperses water. Plus she still had her looks, too and she knew she didn’t look 53.
Beth decided it was unlikely her tall young man would come over and introduce himself, and since she wanted him pretty bad she took action. After excusing herself she went to the ladies room. She took out a notebook and a pen and wrote on it in a feminine hand that itself oozed sensuality.
I will be in the bar next door after dinner. If you can get away from your buddies I would like to buy you a drink – Beth
After exiting the bathroom, Beth found their waiter.
“Those sailors over there,” she said. She nodded in their direction. Discreetly, the waiter glanced over his shoulder in their general direction, even though they were the only sailors in the restaurant and Beth could not possibly have been referring to anybody else.
“I am feeling very patriotic tonight. I would like to buy the sailors their dinner.”
“An excellent idea, madam. However someone has already beaten you to it. Their bill is taken care of.”
Beth sighed peevishly. However, she was a senior vice president of something or another for medium-sized company and she hadn’t reached that position because she couldn’t think on her feet.
“Then I want to buy them a round of drinks…”
Beth wasn’t entirely sure any of the sailors was 21, but the restaurant had been pouring booze down them all night and hadn’t seemed to care.
The waiter nodded with approval.
“A splendid idea, madam.”
“Thank you,” Beth said. She gave the waiter the note and a $20 bill. “And give the tall one this.”
The waiter took the note casually, as if he accepted scraps of paper from older women summoning young, freshly minted sailors as a matter of course.
“Of course.”
Beth remained at the bar while the waiter placed the drink order, waited for them to be made and then delivered them to the table.
After serving the drinks, the waiter, a short, older Hispanic gentleman with a full head of mostly black hair, handed the tall sailor the note.
“And this note, sir. From the lady.”
There was no doubt who the lady was. Beth was the only woman in the restaurant standing at the bar glaring at them. The tall sailor’s shipmates made the type of noises and gestures you would expect sailors on liberty to make in these circumstances. One shipmate, a little too excited at the prospect of somebody else getting laid, even uttered a word not usually heard in a restaurant of that caliber, which earned a glare, and a wry smile, from the waiter.
Beth returned to the table, collected her things, gave a co-worker a company credit card to pay the bill with, and excused herself. Since everyone at the table was subordinate to Beth they all pretended to see absolutely nothing at all unusual about their senior vice president passing a note to a young sailor and then fleeing.
Beth’s plan worked. About ten minutes after she had entered the bar, the tall sailor stood in the doorway. Beth was sitting off to the left.
“Young man, over here,” she said in a voice that gave the impression she routinely summoned young men in bars to her table.
The young man smiled nervously, removed his cover, and walked to Beth’s table. As recently as 30 seconds ago, the young man had not been certain he would be walking to Beth’s table. Despite the fact she was plain she had to be at least 40, the young man had been instantly attracted to the woman with shoulder-length, curly black hair. Still though, he was still a young man and not entirely experienced in these matters, and rather shy to boot, so he needed some coaxing. That his shipmates had pooled some cash, come up with $400 and told him it was his if he could prove he scored, hadn’t hurt, either. Even that hadn’t sent the young man barreling through the bar doors. A couple of shipmates almost had to push him in.
Beth stood, smiled warmly to put him at ease, which worked, and offered her hand.
“My name is Beth.”
Beth noticed the young man’s hand was large and warm. She also noticed, despite the fact they were in a dark room and the tall young man was wearing dark uniform pants, he had a raging hard-on.
“Nat. My name is Nat, ma’am.”
“I’m glad you came. Let’s sit down.”
They both sat. The table was round and Beth and Nat were sitting very close to each other.
“I’m not old enough to be in here, ma’am.”
Beth waved a hand.
“It’s all right. I am. I got us covered.”
Nat laughed.
They ordered drinks and made small talk until they arrived, after which they made more small talk. Nat was still innocent enough so that lying to Beth didn’t occur to him, and he found himself telling Beth, who he kind of liked and had the hots for that he and his buddies were just out of boot camp, and that he was going to train to be a hospital corpsman. He had played football and basketball in high school and his dad said he could play in college, but Nat was tired of school.
Beth lied through her teeth about how she was from a city on the opposite end of the country from where she really lived. The part about being on a business trip was true, but her story about being an insurance agent, as well as every other aspect of her story, was not.
Their second round of drinks was about done when Beth leaned over and reached for Nat’s cock. It wasn’t too difficult to find. It was the long, hard thing sticking out from his pants. If Nat objected to having his cocked grabbed, he kept it to himself.
“Nat, have you ever eaten pussy before?”
A look of terror came over Nat. It was if Beth had asked him if, well, if he had eaten pussy before.
“No, ma’am.”
Beth had a flash of her usually correct woman’s intuition.
“Have you ever had sex before, Nat?”
Nat had no idea why Beth made him feel so at home.
“No, ma’am.”
“I’m staying at the hotel next door. Would you like to go to my room and have sex with me?”
“Very much, ma’am.”
“Good. However, if I am going to seduce you, and I am, you really shouldn’t call me ma’am.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Beth put the tip of a forefinger to her mouth and stifled a laugh.
“Nat, you may stop calling me ma’am now.”
“OK. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?”
Nat looked down, shyly.
“I don’t know, ma’am. I’m sorry ma’am.”
Beth smiled warmly and laughed some more because she couldn’t tell if Nat were genuinely funny or genuinely shy. She suspected both and she found she genuinely liked the younger man she was coaxing into her bed. This wasn’t always the case. Some younger men she seduced she liked not at all. They were arrogant and not nice despite the fact Beth was paying for everything. The was OK, though. Beth liked younger cock and was willing to put up with the attendant bullshit to get it.
Beth let go of Nat’s cock and took his hand. Nat smiled at her. It was a gorgeous smile, one of several factors that made Beth’s pussy very, very wet.
Also playing a role was the fact Beth had children older than Nat. She had not had sex with someone younger than her children in a very long time, since her son had brought some teammates from the high school team over and she had taken on a couple of them, along with their girlfriends, while the others frolicked in the family pool.
“It’s boot camp, Ms. Beth. I just got out. I’ve spent the past six weeks calling everybody sir or ma’am.”
“That’s very adorable, Nat. But you can’t call the woman who is going to seduce you Ms. Beth either.”
“How about ‘mommy’?” Nat asked, smiling broadly.
“Oh, he’s funny, too,” Beth said. “Funny is a sign of smarts. Are you smart, Nat?”
“Oh yes, Ms. Beth. Very smart. I got straight A’s in school. Well, mostly. There were a couple of B’s in there.”
“A couple of B’s, Nat?”
“Well, maybe a few…”
“No C’s though, Nat?”
“No, no C’s, Ms. Beth.”
Both were holding back a laugh and were plainly enjoying themselves.
Beth raised an eyebrow, questioning Nate’s last statement.
“Okay, a C or two from time to time.”
“But that’s it. No D’s.”
“Actually, all D’s, Ms. Beth. I barely passed,” Nat said drolly.
“Nat, have you ever actually been to school?”
Nat laughed out loud.
“No, ma’am.”
Beth laughed out loud. She took Nat’s hand warmly and stood up.
“Come along. It’s time.”
Nat followed instructions and stood up.