Beth was lying on top of Nat. They were about to fuck, Nat for the first time, Beth for the 5,393rd time.
“Nat, when you’re fucking me, I want you to feel you can say anything to me.”
Nat looked at Beth with a blank look. It was plain Nat did not comprehend the complete scope of the word ‘anything’.
“And I do mean anything, Nat. Whatever pops into that fertile young mind of yours. Even if you think it might offend me, trust me, it won’t.”
Nat nodded.
“You mean, like calling you a bitch?”
Beth nodded assertively.
“That’s a good start, Nat. Keep going.”
“Fucking bitch?”
Beth laughed. Nat was a quick learner.
Beth was now on her back, her legs spread.
“Now, young man, there are a variety of ways to enjoy the act of sexual intercourse. The first way is the most common, uh, at least in my experience.”
Beth maneuvered a bit so Nat could get in position.
“Now, from here your mission is simple and should be obvious. You move and place your cock, which is really big by the by, in my pussy. There really aren’t a whole lot of options here.”
Nat who was really hard, moved in, but Beth showed him a palm.
“Now, if I roll over and get on all fours, like I am now, which, for the record, I really like doing, and you give it to me from behind, that’s called doggie-style.”
“Arf, arf..”
“You’ll notice this position gives you almost unfettered access to my beautiful hair. Remember this, Nat: if a woman has gotten through the trouble of getting undressed and getting into bed and assuming this position, you may also safely presume she would like her hair pulled. Some might not, but most will.”
Nat maneuvered himself into position behind Beth.
“Now, a warning!” Beth said looking back. “For God’s sake be careful because there is more than one insertion option back there…”
Nat nodded and put one hand on Beth’s ass and pushed it away slightly while leaning back a bit, giving the impression he was inspecting an important clue.
“…you, or more specifically, I, want you to choose the warm and moist option.”
Nat moved his hand down, so as to fully ascertain precisely where the warm and moist option was.
“Go ahead Nat, pull my…”
Nat didn’t let her finish her sentence. Showing admirable initiative, not to mention immediate adaptation to the doggie style technique, Nat had hold of Beth’s hair and, after some maneuvering, had rammed his cock into her pussy. Nat found this position most agreeable and soon went completely berserk and began pulling Beth’s hair with both hands, much like a cowboy pulling the reins.
“Take the Nat-man, bitch!”
Beth was coming and unable to reply except is screams and groans. She hadn’t had cock like this in ages.
“You old fucking bag…”
“Oh, God, fuck yes! I am an old bag, Nat. An old bag for you to fuck. Fuck me, sailor boy, FUCK ME HARDER!!!!”
Nate was really enjoying having his dick in a woman’s pussy.
“Take it, mommy! TAKE IT, WHORE!”
Nat had never called anyone a whore before. Well, his sister once, but that was funny. He stopped thrusting his cock inside Beth. Beth, wondering what in the hell was going on, looked over her shoulder.
“Well?” she wondered rather peevishly.
Nat smiled eagerly.
“How’d I do, ma’am? Calling you names. Did I do all right?”
“Oh, my young, young boy…my young, young nasty boy. You done well. Now please resume fucking me. Now.”
Nat obliged.
Though she hadn’t yet covered the female-dominant position in her lessons, Beth was soon providing practical training in this matter, correctly guessing that Nat, based on his flawless handling of doggie-style technique, would be a quick study. She also produced a comprehensive review of the previously reviewed lessons.
Nat passed all three examinations with flying colors.
Later, Beth was in bed lying on her stomach. She was all fucked out, ridden hard and put away very wet. She was looking forward to Nate leaving so she could get some sleep. Nat had just gotten out of bed and was looking for his clothes.
“You’re going to brag to your friends, right?”
Nat nodded.
“Oh yeah,” he said, nodding his head solemnly. “Have to. National security and stuff.”
“Do it! Tell them everything! I’ll be leaving town, anyway.”
Nat had found his clothes and brought them into the bedroom.
“They even offered me money if I could prove I scored.”
Beth could tell Nat had said that innocently.
“I hope they take my word for it.”
“Why force them? Give me your shorts.”
As usual, Nat complied with his order.
Beth took Nat’s jockey shorts, found the crotch, and, as ladylike as possible, ran them over her pussy. Since she was still wet, there was a nice little spot on the crotch.
“If you cut yourself we can put some blood on it and you could say I was a virgin.”
Nat laughed nervously, It was plain he had no idea virgins bled the first time they had sex.
“Here,” Beth said, smiling and tossing the shorts at Nat. “That should suffice.”
Nat had never heard the word ‘suffice’ before, but in the context she used it, he kind of figured out what it meant.
Exactly how Nat was supposed to transport jockey shorts dripping with pussy juice back to base was left to Nat.
While Nat was in the bathroom cleaning up, Beth went to her purse, removed five one hundred dollar bills, folded them in half, and slipped in a business card that had only a mobile phone number on it.
When she escorted Nat to the hotel room door, she put the money and card in his hand.
“That’s my number. I am not pushy. Later on, if it turns out you enjoyed yourself, text me so I have your number, OK?”
Nat nodded. He felt kind of confused.
“Young man, when an older broad like me, or any other woman, actually, offers to buy you a drink or makes eye contact with you, don’t fuck her without asking for money. Got it?”
Nat nodded, despite the fact the concept of getting paid for fucking was as foreign to him as speaking Chinese.
“An old bag like me willing to rob the cradle is willing to pay for it.”
Beth put a hand around Nat’s neck and kissed him warmly.
And that was how Nat had gotten his start in the gigolo racket.